Sunday, March 13, 2011


You can never just have one coincidence. Once you start noticing them, it somehow always compounds on itself, until this proliferation of coincidence becomes the greatest one of all, and you start walking around telling people you've had some big awakening and you're finally have a direct line to the secrets of the universe.

Coincidence # 1: There's this gelato place I love in Hollywood called scoops, and I was telling a couple of friends about it, and talking about how I hadn't been there since I moved up and wished there was one closer to my house, and boom! we pass a storefront, mere blocks from my house - where they're having the grand opening of "Scoops Westside".

Coincidence # 2: I've been listening to a lot of Tom Waits over the last week, for the first time in years- I was jogging yesterday and I was suddenly hit with this phrase- "Be your own Muse". I wrote it in my journal actually. I got home, and started listening to Radiolab and they had an entire segment about this idea of the 'muse' and whether it's something that comes from outside of us or within. Just then, as I'm thinking how in touch I am with the universe, the woman being interviewed starts talking about Tom Waits, and how he would sometimes talk with the muse when he was trying to finish a song.

Alright, so those are the only two I can think of right now, but I'm sure there were more this weekend. Some people might argue that these are all indicators of fate. Some people might argue that they're completely random, a product of chance. I'm not sure. But I do love how life smiles on those of us who are paying attention.

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