My heart and mind are like an old married couple. Lovers one minute; at war the next. My mind tells my heart, "Don't get wrapped up in that." My heart replies, "Where's your sense of adventure?" And it's cute. Because they end up getting into all kinds of trouble, but at the end of the day, they're stuck less than two feet apart, and I get to watch them try to work it all out.
In truth, my heart just wants my mind to be happy, and my mind just wants my heart to be safe. But a lot of the greatest moments of life happen somewhere outside both of those boundaries. So each of them push, stretch, manipulate, and guilt each other until things happen. Both are constantly saying to the other, "I told you so." And they're usually both right.
Ultimately, they have to go home together. They've got to sit with each other in this very small space and communicate. Because each needs the other one to live. My heart knows that without my mind, it has no direction. And my mind knows that without my heart, it has no meaning. That's the essence of the relationship. That's why it all works out.
Wow. Probably the best explanation for why we do the things we do for love. Thank you for the smile!