Days remaining: 24
Raised so far: $1,573.68
Any great victory can be traced back to one crucial moment. Some might call it a tipping point. Some might call it luck.
Many of you have told me that my music has touched you or become a part of your life in some way, and I’m so grateful for that. Now imagine being able to bring that connection to many thousands or even millions of people. This has been my dream ever since I was little, and when we raise this money, we’ll be one step closer to making that dream come true.
For the first time, we’ll be able to hire a publicist to deliver the album to 250 newspapers and magazines across the country. We’ll be able to produce a music video and a fall tour. We’ll have the privilege of working with a Grammy-winning mastering company and an incredible team. Most importantly, I’ll be able to stay true to my own artistic vision along the way.
Some of you may have read about this campaign and wondered if I’m planning on doing this every time I make a new album. The answer is no. This campaign has been designed for a very specific purpose: to create a spark. We’ve already come a long way, and we have 24 days left to reach our goal. If every one of you gave as little as $10, we’d reach it instantly. I’d love for you to visit our campaign site at, where you can learn more and keep up with our progress. We have a few gifts to thank you for contributing, and everyone who gives at least $10 will get the new record for free.
We can wait for a lucky break, or we can create that luck together. I hope you’ll become a part of this one crucial moment that has the potential to change everything.
With love and gratitude,
keep it up, we'll get there ... we have to will it.