Thursday, July 29, 2010
My Day in L.A.
Here's a little composite "day in the life" based on some footage we shot over the last couple of days. We used footage from a recording session of "Providence", which is a song that's been on past records, but we're doing a new version. Dan and I want to keep the NEW-new songs under wraps until they're ready :)
Some cameos in here by my brother Daniel, Cassanova Joe, and Dan's wife Britta. The footage at the very end is from a late night walk in Hollywood last night.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Video # 6
Here's the latest little video update. I know it's considered a faux pas to wear your own artist tee-shirt, but trust me, I'd hit the bottom of the laundry barrel; it was this or my "Night at the Roxbury"-style fishnet Tee. Consider yourself spared. We just finished a long recording session and got a LOT done today. Things are really coming along.
Some days it can seem a challenge to be mixing art and business so closely like this (in the studio and simultaneously running a fund-raising campaign), but I really believe in what we're doing and I'm willing to do whatever we need to to make it the best it can possibly be. I'll be glad when we reach our goal and can really focus on getting this record finished and getting the release coordinated. Until then, it's been so incredible every day to see how many of you believe in me and in what we're doing, and every time I get a little email notification that someone new has made a contribution, it brings me a wave of gratitude. I'm so grateful to have such amazing friends, fans, and supporters.
Thanks so much again everyone. Gad I feel lucky.
Monday, July 26, 2010
Campaign Update: One Crucial Moment
Days remaining: 24
Raised so far: $1,573.68
Any great victory can be traced back to one crucial moment. Some might call it a tipping point. Some might call it luck.
Many of you have told me that my music has touched you or become a part of your life in some way, and I’m so grateful for that. Now imagine being able to bring that connection to many thousands or even millions of people. This has been my dream ever since I was little, and when we raise this money, we’ll be one step closer to making that dream come true.
For the first time, we’ll be able to hire a publicist to deliver the album to 250 newspapers and magazines across the country. We’ll be able to produce a music video and a fall tour. We’ll have the privilege of working with a Grammy-winning mastering company and an incredible team. Most importantly, I’ll be able to stay true to my own artistic vision along the way.
Some of you may have read about this campaign and wondered if I’m planning on doing this every time I make a new album. The answer is no. This campaign has been designed for a very specific purpose: to create a spark. We’ve already come a long way, and we have 24 days left to reach our goal. If every one of you gave as little as $10, we’d reach it instantly. I’d love for you to visit our campaign site at, where you can learn more and keep up with our progress. We have a few gifts to thank you for contributing, and everyone who gives at least $10 will get the new record for free.
We can wait for a lucky break, or we can create that luck together. I hope you’ll become a part of this one crucial moment that has the potential to change everything.
With love and gratitude,
Raised so far: $1,573.68
Any great victory can be traced back to one crucial moment. Some might call it a tipping point. Some might call it luck.
Many of you have told me that my music has touched you or become a part of your life in some way, and I’m so grateful for that. Now imagine being able to bring that connection to many thousands or even millions of people. This has been my dream ever since I was little, and when we raise this money, we’ll be one step closer to making that dream come true.
For the first time, we’ll be able to hire a publicist to deliver the album to 250 newspapers and magazines across the country. We’ll be able to produce a music video and a fall tour. We’ll have the privilege of working with a Grammy-winning mastering company and an incredible team. Most importantly, I’ll be able to stay true to my own artistic vision along the way.
Some of you may have read about this campaign and wondered if I’m planning on doing this every time I make a new album. The answer is no. This campaign has been designed for a very specific purpose: to create a spark. We’ve already come a long way, and we have 24 days left to reach our goal. If every one of you gave as little as $10, we’d reach it instantly. I’d love for you to visit our campaign site at, where you can learn more and keep up with our progress. We have a few gifts to thank you for contributing, and everyone who gives at least $10 will get the new record for free.
We can wait for a lucky break, or we can create that luck together. I hope you’ll become a part of this one crucial moment that has the potential to change everything.
With love and gratitude,
Thursday, July 22, 2010
What a week! We hit the $1,000 mark this week, definitely a huge milestone. If you haven't yet gotten to check out the videos below, have a look.
We're putting together a series of videos for next week that will give you a closer look at the process of making the record and introduce you to some of the brilliant people I'm working with. In the meantime, THANK YOU for your contributions, for helping to get the word out, and for believing in this project which I am SO passionate about and excited to bring to life. It's going to take an entire community to make this happen but I know we can do it, and I'm so grateful every day for the chance to take risks and do what I was born to do.
We're putting together a series of videos for next week that will give you a closer look at the process of making the record and introduce you to some of the brilliant people I'm working with. In the meantime, THANK YOU for your contributions, for helping to get the word out, and for believing in this project which I am SO passionate about and excited to bring to life. It's going to take an entire community to make this happen but I know we can do it, and I'm so grateful every day for the chance to take risks and do what I was born to do.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Video Update # 5
Took some time to blow off a little steam and went down to Venice Beach for the day. You ever see those shows on the travel channel...
As a P.S. to what I'm talking about in the video, we did hit the $1,000 mark yesterday. Thank you for all your contributions; we still have a long way to go but I know we can get there with your support!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
First Thousand Raised!

Thanks to you, we hit the $1,000 mark today! As they say, the first thousand is the hardest. The other 17 should be cake :) In all seriousness, I couldn't be doing this without you and I'm so grateful to every one of you who has contributed so far. Today, Dan and I went down to Venice Beach and I caught some travel-show-worthy footage that I'm putting together to post first thing tomorrow.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Video # 4
The one thing I did neglect to mention in the video is that while we do have 31 days left, we still need to raise just over $17 thousand dollars in that time, and I'm going to need your help to get there! Again, if every one of you reading this just gave $10, we'd reach our goal instantly. So please consider making a small pledge if you haven't already. You'll get the new music for free! And if you have any other ideas for how we can reach our goal more quickly/effectively, let me know!
Much love.
Here We Go
Dan and I have this running joke that it would be great for some fictional character to have the catch phrase "Heere weee go!", which he would shout out dramatically right before anything (good or bad) was about to happen in his life. I picture a George Costanza-type guy for this. The thing we always laugh about is the idea that this guy would be in a dark alley late at night, and see a mugger coming toward him, and instead of running he would just stand there and shout "Heeree weeee go!"
There have been multiple times this past week where I've resisted the urge to adopt the catch phrase. It's so tempting.
So begins the second full week of our campaign to raise $18 thousand dollars. We've already raised $800 and we've got just over thirty days left (31 to be exact), so I'm feeling really good about it. I've had the opportunity to reconnect with so many of you already and I have already been seriously moved by your generosity. I'm really excited to bring this project to fruition with your help.
I'll have more updates and a video for you later this afternoon. We're going into the studio this week to finish vocals - (one of the most important parts of the recording process) - so focus is everything. On that note, gotta get back to it.
Heerree weee....ah. Caught it just in time.
There have been multiple times this past week where I've resisted the urge to adopt the catch phrase. It's so tempting.
So begins the second full week of our campaign to raise $18 thousand dollars. We've already raised $800 and we've got just over thirty days left (31 to be exact), so I'm feeling really good about it. I've had the opportunity to reconnect with so many of you already and I have already been seriously moved by your generosity. I'm really excited to bring this project to fruition with your help.
I'll have more updates and a video for you later this afternoon. We're going into the studio this week to finish vocals - (one of the most important parts of the recording process) - so focus is everything. On that note, gotta get back to it.
Heerree weee....ah. Caught it just in time.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Video # 3
I can't even begin to tell you how grateful I was all week. We're obviously trying to raise a significant amount of money ($18k is nothing to sneeze at), and it's going to take time, but after this week I'm confident we can do it. Again, keep in mind that if every one of you gave only $10, we'd reach our goal instantly. This whole 'fan supported' way of making art is a new concept that a number artists are trying lately, and the whole thing is still an unpaved path in a lot of ways, but I'm glad we're doing it this way, I'm incredibly thankful to have you in my corner, and I believe it'll be more than worth the risk.
The album is coming along really well - laid down some more vocal tracks this week, and came up with a really cool piano part for a new version of providence.
Next week, I'll put together a few more videos that give you a little deeper look into the process, my life in LA, and a better preview of the new music. Thanks again for all your support and have an amazing weekend.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Video # 2
It was a scorcher today in LA, and it got pret-tay hot in the studio. I think the heat went to our heads. I promise I usually know what day it is. This week we've been working on vocals, and the biggest challenge for me is limiting my talking when I'm not in the studio and preserving my voice so I can sing well. As you probably know, the whole concept of 'limiting my talking' is a tough one for me.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Welcome to the new home of our listener-supported fundraising campaign. For the last few months, I've been living in Los Angeles and working with producer Dan Diaz on a brand new record, and we're getting close to finishing it, but we need your help to get it out to the world. The goal of our campaign is to raise $18,000 by August 18th so we can master, press, and promote the album, as well as many of the other things a record company would do to reach a wider audience. To thank you for your contribution, we've put together a few gifts that you can read about on the right. As an independent artist, it means the world to me to have your support as I take this big step forward, and I'll keep you posted every day with new updates about the album and our progress. Thanks!
Also, here's a sneak preview of a rough track from the new album:
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